Welcome to Comfort Products, Inc.
Welcome to comfortoandp.com. We are a manufacturer of high quality knitted goods for the orthotic and prosthetic industry. We sell our products exclusively to health care professionals. Feel free to contact us with any questions about our products. If you are not a health care professional, but are interested in a product that we manufacture, we will be happy to refer you to orthotists or prosthetists in your area that are familiar with our product line. Comfort Products, Inc. is committed to providing the best knitted products with the latest innovations and highest quality for wearers of orthotic and prosthetic devices. We believe that this commitment is unparalleled in the world of orthotic and prosthetic knitted goods today. We have been knitting since prosthetic socks were called stump socks, since a prosthesis was known simply as an artificial limb, and an orthosis was known as just a brace. Times have changed, but our commitment to quality and value has not. When you need the latest innovations, highest quality and best overall value for your knitted orthotic and prosthetic products there is really only one choice. Comfort Products. We live up to our name every day!
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